Something to watch ...
From: German-Foreign-Policy [mailto:newsletter@german-foreign-policy.com]Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2007 10:50 AMTo: surfer11@iprimus.com.auSubject: Newsletter 2007/12/11 - Accession Plans (Crisis in Belgium)Newsletter 2007/12/11 -
The ongoing current government crisis in Brussels is provoking discussions of secession projects in Belgium's Germanophonic eastern cantons. If the two large regions in Belgium, Flanders and Wallonia, really separate, why should the Eupen and St. Vith region not reorient itself - is a question being raised among the 70.000 Germanophones in eastern Belgium, who are also discussing their region's possible accession to Luxemburg or Germany. Intensive preparations by Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia, in close cooperation with the Germanophonic administration in eastern Belgium, point toward the German option.
The two regions initiated new forms of cooperation last summer. Flemish separatism is at the root of Belgium's current government crisis and could, eventually, lead to a breakup of the country. In the past, Flemish separatism was strongly influenced by an anti-French alliance with a westward spreading German hegemonic policy. Berlin's objective was always to roll back French influence on its western neighbor.more http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/56118