It looks like the world is moving toward regional unions. I read about plans for this in the Club of Rome's book on "Re-shaping the International Order" (RIO) in the late 1970s. The Fabians have had similar plans for decades.
The thing is, 1. who will lead this attempt at world governance? And 2. will such unions actually survive? What 3. will happen to the Anglo-Saxon Powers?:
1. According to the prophecies it will be a German-led Europe and recent surveys show that people are looking to it as an alternative to the USA. When they speak with a single voice with a President, Foreign Minister and embassies in 2009/10, the EU will be taken very seriously. The world will cry 'peace and safety' once the EU forces its will upon the world and the Anglo-Saxons will disarm thinking that we will have 'peace in our time.' (I explained this in the 2 books I have published). I might add that Gene Hogberg's prediction in the late 1970s that the UNO will move to Europe (and probably Austria) is still on the cards.
2. I still recall a letter from Robert Boraker in 1977 wherein he mentioned that the closer we get to world governance the greater the tensions will be because of racial/religious/political differences. The gentile nations will tend toward fascism while the Israelites will want to mantain liberalism. So, the prophecies show the Anglo-Saxon nations being invaded and enslaved in the greatest double-cross in world history. Mexico will join with the German-led Europeans in invading the USA.
3. "Among all her lovers there is none to comfort her. All her friends have betrayed her; they have become her enemies." (Lam 1:2).
"You adulterous wife! You prefer strangers to your own husband! Every prostitute receives a fee, but you give gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from everywhere for your illicit favors." (Eze 16:32,33)
Australia is likewise being pushed toward Asianisation. As such, the House of Israel is being so weakened that we will not be able to resist the future conquests that are prophesied. See my article on slavery and the other on the necessity to warn our peoples (Ezekiel's Message) at
See the article below
On June 14, 2007 told their clients that in the next 10-20 years, as the global economy moves toward regional trading blocs, the amero or "North American Monetary Unit" (NAMU) will be introduced. The power elite's plan is to form regional unions with their own currencies and then link them into a world government with one global currency. Relevant to this, Reuters reporter Emmanuel Jarry on October 23, 2007 wrote "Sarkozy (French President) Calls for Mediterranean Union Launch in 2008." And the African Union's African Central Bank plans to mint the "Gold Mandela" as a single African currency by 2010 (the date the NAU is supposed to form).If you look at the top of the website for the Single Global Currency Association (SGCA), there is a quote by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, saying: "A global economy requires a global currency." The SGCA "is dedicated to the goal of implementing a single global currency by 2025...managed by a single international central bank." I have already indicated that on the cover of THE ECONOMIST (June 9, 1988) is a picture of "The Phoenix," a global currency suggested for implementation in 2018.
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. — Victor Hugo