"A Europe capable of defending itself independently would not be a risk for the Americans; it would be an asset" ... a return to a favourite topic of Mr Sarkozy - the creation of a European defence policy. It is set to be a big theme when France takes over political leadership of the EU in the second half of 2008 ... "The basis for a European defence exists. We must make it grow," he said, adding "I want Europe to be capable of ensuring its security autonomously."
25 Sept 2007
Eurofor - beginnings of a Euro Defence Force
"A Europe capable of defending itself independently would not be a risk for the Americans; it would be an asset" ... a return to a favourite topic of Mr Sarkozy - the creation of a European defence policy. It is set to be a big theme when France takes over political leadership of the EU in the second half of 2008 ... "The basis for a European defence exists. We must make it grow," he said, adding "I want Europe to be capable of ensuring its security autonomously."
24 Sept 2007
EU is now surpassing the USA in setting global standards - the rivalry of 2 forms of capitalism

Brussels rules OK
Sep 20th 2007
From The Economist print edition
How the European Union is becoming the world's chief regulator
But though the EU is a big market, with almost half a billion consumers, neither size, nor zeal, nor sneaky protectionism explains why it is usurping America's role as a source of global standards.
A gripping new book* by an American, Mark Schapiro, captures the change. When he began his research, he found firms resisting the notion that the American market would follow EU standards for items like cosmetics, insisting that their American products were already safe. But as the book neared completion, firm after firm gave in and began applying EU standards worldwide, as third countries copied European rules on things like suspected carcinogens in lipstick. Even China is leaning to the European approach, one Procter & Gamble executive tells Mr Schapiro, adding wistfully: “And that's a pretty big country.”
One American official says flatly that the EU is “winning” the regulatory race, adding: “And there is a sense that that is their precise intent.” He cites a speech by the trade commissioner, Peter Mandelson, claiming that the export of “our rules and standards around the world” was one source of European power. Noting that EU regulations are often written with the help of European incumbents, the official also claims that precaution can cloak “plain old-fashioned protectionism in disguise”.
23 Sept 2007
New book release! The amazing secret of Germany's origin and future prophetic role
It is time to explore that secret and to expose it to the world. In a new book containing detailed research, the German SECRET is answered in the first book dedicated completely to the question:
The Great German Nation. Origins and Destiny
Have you ever wondered why Germany has on one hand been a glorious nation of achievement and enterprise but on the other has instigated major crises. For centuries the German peoples have displayed tremendous qualities of inventiveness, leadership, efficiency and cultural achievements. At other times they have been in the centre of strife and war. WHY this enigma?
In a landmark book, author Craig White reveals the stunning answer. It is the complete answer you won't find anywhere else. And it brings a whole new dimension to understanding world affairs. Your entire thinking about the origins of Germany, plus other European nations, will dramatically change when you learn about "Germany's greatest secret.” The cost has been kept down to only USD$16.30.
Go to http://www.originofnations.org/ for further details
Book details
8 detailed chapters
17 appendices
43 illustrations
Over 800 footnotes
suggested reading
bibliography (over 200 references)
soft cover (colour)
over 300 pages in length
size is 8.25 x 11"
Ways to order
· You can order online at www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/BookHome.aspx (USD$16.30), or if you live in North America, telephone the Book Order Hotline, at 888.280.7715. Using this number, you can place an order and pay with your credit card by phone (or send in a check after the phone call). You can also use this phone no. to enquire about bulk and discount orders
· In Australia only order from the above website or: History Research Projects, GPO Box 864, Sydney 2001 (price tba)
· You can order direct from Amazon.com and soon from Barnes & Noble or via any bookshop by mid October.
Comments about the book
"This book is a monumental contribution to the study of the Assyria-Germany connection. It is thoroughly researched and well documented. The author is clearly well read in both ancient and modern history. The book even takes us into the future, painting a vivid picture of the role that Germany will play as the leader of Europe in the coming years."
– MELVIN RHODES (Senior Editor, Good News magazine and World News and Prophecy)
“Craig White's latest work The Great German Nation: Origins and Destiny is a must read for serious Bible students who want to know more about the roots and prophesied events for Germany. It is several hundred pages in length and has scores of footnotes and a number of graphics. It is the most comprehensive material that I have ever read on the topic, a compilation of decades of research.”
– Rainer Salomaa (Pastor and church board chairman, writer and researcher)
“When Craig White provided me with a draft copy of his book on The Great German Nation: Origins and Destiny, I was particularly pleased. I have long felt that good research on the Germany–Assyria connection has been badly needed for any serious tribe-tracker of the Israelites and other ancient peoples. My preliminary perusal of the book proved that it contains such an amazing breadth of information and sources laid out in a pleasantly readable format. I think any researcher of history will appreciate it. I know that I will keep my copy ensconced within easy reach on my bookshelf.”
– Randall Stiver (National TV and radio commentator, magazine writer, editor, educator, and church pastor)
“This is a well-researched volume which adds greatly to the evidence, believed for years in many Churches of God, that modern Germany is descended from ancient Assyrian peoples. This is important for our understanding and interpretation of prophecy. I have been studying the identity of Germany since first coming in contact with the teachings of the late Herbert W. Armstrong in the late 1960s, and Craig White's book is the best and most-thorough treatment of the subject I've seen.”
– Mac Overton (editor of a community newspaper in Texas, a long-time member of the Church of God, and a well-known free-lance writer and a frequent contributor to Church of God publications)
“I recently finished [reading] your book Who are the Germans? [forerunner to this book] I have a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree in History, and from a professional point of view, I was very impressed with your work. I was especially impressed with your documentation. As you know in a work of this type, it is crucial to document sources”
– Calvin Lashway, MA
Go to http://www.originofnations.org/ for further information about the book and free information, resources and downloads
New version of the pop song 'Fight For Your Right (To be pro-HWA)'

You wake up late for church man you don't wanna go
You ask some members, "Please?" but they still say, "No!"
You missed two services and no fellowship
Because liberals preaches class like you're some kind of jerk
You gotta fight for your right to be pro-Armstrong
Your friends caught you reading MOA - and they said, "No way!"
Those hypocrites read protestant junk two times a day
Man, putting up with this is such a drag
Now your friends threw away your best HWA books. Busted!
(repeat chorus)
Don't come in here if your are pro-HWA they say
I'll kick you out if you don't quit advocating the original doctrines
Your friends busted in and said, "What's those audios?"
Aw, friends why do you harass us - we're the pro-HWA boys!
(repeat chorus)
Raymond F McNair update

Forwarded on for you to consider and prayer about Mr McNair's situation. Mr McNair was one of the top pioneers of the old WCG and deserves our respect.
From: Eve McNair
Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2007 12:30 AM
To: surfer11
Subject: Re: Raymond F McNair
We continually update my husband's condition to those who are on our list to receive our GOG-21 "Dear Brethren" letters.
My husband continues to make progress. For months our main concern has been the bedsores. I believe all totaling, about six or seven have appeared on his body. The small ones on his feet have now healed. The larger on his upper body are in excellent condition, showing improvement every day. The minute layers of skin are beginning to grow.
For the past few days my husband has mentioned that the pain (he has suffered for so long) on his back is beginning to diminish, but there is still a little pain there. We are very, very grateful for this.
A physical therapist came to our home to evaluate my husband's condition, as we wanted to begin therapy for him to walk again. We were told that my husband needed extensive tests (MRI's, scans, etc.) to see what the "blockage" below the waist is, if any, perhaps some restriction resulting in his not being able to walk.
My husband and I discussed this, and together we decided NOT to seek help from the medical profession, but rather, trust God for healing. He knows the circumstances and we are leaving it all in His care. His legs and feet are beginning to move slightly, showing signs of life and nerve healing. This is very encouraging to us.
We ask your continued prayers, that God will perform a miracle and totally heal my husband so that we can continue with the Work He has given us. My husband has not once complained during his illness, but rather, praises God and is continually trusting Him.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McNair