It is time to explore that secret and to expose it to the world. In a new book containing detailed research, the German SECRET is answered in the first book dedicated completely to the question:
The Great German Nation. Origins and Destiny
Have you ever wondered why Germany has on one hand been a glorious nation of achievement and enterprise but on the other has instigated major crises. For centuries the German peoples have displayed tremendous qualities of inventiveness, leadership, efficiency and cultural achievements. At other times they have been in the centre of strife and war. WHY this enigma?
In a landmark book, author Craig White reveals the stunning answer. It is the complete answer you won't find anywhere else. And it brings a whole new dimension to understanding world affairs. Your entire thinking about the origins of Germany, plus other European nations, will dramatically change when you learn about "Germany's greatest secret.” The cost has been kept down to only USD$16.30.
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Book details
8 detailed chapters
17 appendices
43 illustrations
Over 800 footnotes
suggested reading
bibliography (over 200 references)
soft cover (colour)
over 300 pages in length
size is 8.25 x 11"
Ways to order
· You can order online at (USD$16.30), or if you live in North America, telephone the Book Order Hotline, at 888.280.7715. Using this number, you can place an order and pay with your credit card by phone (or send in a check after the phone call). You can also use this phone no. to enquire about bulk and discount orders
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Comments about the book
"This book is a monumental contribution to the study of the Assyria-Germany connection. It is thoroughly researched and well documented. The author is clearly well read in both ancient and modern history. The book even takes us into the future, painting a vivid picture of the role that Germany will play as the leader of Europe in the coming years."
– MELVIN RHODES (Senior Editor, Good News magazine and World News and Prophecy)
“Craig White's latest work The Great German Nation: Origins and Destiny is a must read for serious Bible students who want to know more about the roots and prophesied events for Germany. It is several hundred pages in length and has scores of footnotes and a number of graphics. It is the most comprehensive material that I have ever read on the topic, a compilation of decades of research.”
– Rainer Salomaa (Pastor and church board chairman, writer and researcher)
“When Craig White provided me with a draft copy of his book on The Great German Nation: Origins and Destiny, I was particularly pleased. I have long felt that good research on the Germany–Assyria connection has been badly needed for any serious tribe-tracker of the Israelites and other ancient peoples. My preliminary perusal of the book proved that it contains such an amazing breadth of information and sources laid out in a pleasantly readable format. I think any researcher of history will appreciate it. I know that I will keep my copy ensconced within easy reach on my bookshelf.”
– Randall Stiver (National TV and radio commentator, magazine writer, editor, educator, and church pastor)
“This is a well-researched volume which adds greatly to the evidence, believed for years in many Churches of God, that modern Germany is descended from ancient Assyrian peoples. This is important for our understanding and interpretation of prophecy. I have been studying the identity of Germany since first coming in contact with the teachings of the late Herbert W. Armstrong in the late 1960s, and Craig White's book is the best and most-thorough treatment of the subject I've seen.”
– Mac Overton (editor of a community newspaper in Texas, a long-time member of the Church of God, and a well-known free-lance writer and a frequent contributor to Church of God publications)
“I recently finished [reading] your book Who are the Germans? [forerunner to this book] I have a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree in History, and from a professional point of view, I was very impressed with your work. I was especially impressed with your documentation. As you know in a work of this type, it is crucial to document sources”
– Calvin Lashway, MA
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