Forwarded on for you to consider and prayer about Mr McNair's situation. Mr McNair was one of the top pioneers of the old WCG and deserves our respect.
From: Eve McNair
Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2007 12:30 AM
To: surfer11
Subject: Re: Raymond F McNair
We continually update my husband's condition to those who are on our list to receive our GOG-21 "Dear Brethren" letters.
My husband continues to make progress. For months our main concern has been the bedsores. I believe all totaling, about six or seven have appeared on his body. The small ones on his feet have now healed. The larger on his upper body are in excellent condition, showing improvement every day. The minute layers of skin are beginning to grow.
For the past few days my husband has mentioned that the pain (he has suffered for so long) on his back is beginning to diminish, but there is still a little pain there. We are very, very grateful for this.
A physical therapist came to our home to evaluate my husband's condition, as we wanted to begin therapy for him to walk again. We were told that my husband needed extensive tests (MRI's, scans, etc.) to see what the "blockage" below the waist is, if any, perhaps some restriction resulting in his not being able to walk.
My husband and I discussed this, and together we decided NOT to seek help from the medical profession, but rather, trust God for healing. He knows the circumstances and we are leaving it all in His care. His legs and feet are beginning to move slightly, showing signs of life and nerve healing. This is very encouraging to us.
We ask your continued prayers, that God will perform a miracle and totally heal my husband so that we can continue with the Work He has given us. My husband has not once complained during his illness, but rather, praises God and is continually trusting Him.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McNair