This article in the Wall Street Journal is bizzare - seems to call for Europe to just accept its doom and train coloureds to become democrats etc. To him it is the only thing that matters - see the last paragraph. JFK followed by the 1968 revolutionaries have made their views on a worldwide 'melting pot' Government policy, right across the West.
They reckon we will have fast GDP or some such thing. As if having higher figures on paper is more important than the survival of your own kind! For the entire article go to
It's the Demography, Stupid The real reason the West is in danger of extinction.
BY MARK STEYN Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST Most people reading this have strong stomachs, so let me lay it out as baldly as I can: Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive this century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most Western European countries. There'll probably still be a geographical area on the map marked as Italy or the Netherlands--probably--just as in Istanbul there's still a building called St. Sophia's Cathedral. But it's not a cathedral; it's merely a designation for a piece of real estate. Likewise, Italy and the Netherlands will merely be designations for real estate. The challenge for those who reckon Western civilization is on balance better than the alternatives is to figure out a way to save at least some parts of the West. One obstacle to doing that is that, in the typical election campaign in your advanced industrial democracy, the political platforms of at least one party in the United States and pretty much all parties in the rest of the West are largely about what one would call the secondary impulses of society--government health care, government day care (which Canada's thinking of introducing), government paternity leave (which Britain's just introduced). We've prioritized the secondary impulse over the primary ones: national defense, family, faith and, most basic of all, reproductive activity--"Go forth and multiply," because if you don't you won't be able to afford all those secondary-impulse issues, like cradle-to-grave welfare.
"What do you leave behind?" asked Tony Blair. There will only be very few and very old ethnic Germans and French and Italians by the midpoint of this century. What will they leave behind? Territories that happen to bear their names and keep up some of the old buildings? Or will the dying European races understand that the only legacy that matters is whether the peoples who will live in those lands after them are reconciled to pluralist, liberal democracy? It's the demography, stupid. And, if they can't muster the will to change course, then "What do you leave behind?" is the only question that matters.
Mr. Steyn is a syndicated columnist and theater critic for The New Criterion, in whose January issue this article appe
The media applaudes an Islamo-Europe and the browning of Europe which may be as much as 8-10% non-White (France is 25% non-White and the UK 20%) and growing. America is 38% and one could call it Mex-America.
Check out this item below. American Birthrates will result in U.S. having a second rate economy
by BRigby, Jan 9 2006 09:44 AM
Steyn and the author are correct. There are a number of effects that this "consumer sex" culture has had on the U.S.The U.S. population is slowing its growth and will eventually begin to decline. This will have a number of effects on the economy.As one example, as the U.S. population growth slows and then contracts, the growth of the U.S. economy will slow and then contraction will begin. The U.S. economy is sum of the value of the productivity of each worker multiplied by the number of workers. While the U.S. worker is the most productive worker in the world, he will soon be outnumbered 2 or 3 to one by Chinese or Indian workers. When this happens, the U.S. economy will eventually shrink until the U.S. GDP is less than the GDP of India or China. When the U.S. is no longer the biggest economy, the U.S. will loose market power in the world and our way of life will change. As one small example, world commodities will likely not be priced in Dollars, but instead in the currency of the largest economy.
[go to the above link to read the rest of the article]
Herbert W Armstrong, God's Apostle, died 20 years ago on 16 January (on the Roman Calendar) which was 6 Shebat on the Hebrew Calendar (= 4 February in 2006).
It is almost unbelievable that 20 years have flown by - one wonders what the state of the Church and the world will be like in 10 years.
Almost none of the offshoots have fully stood by what HWA taught. The watering-down is gaining momentum and political correctness is sweaping across the Church. It has had a devastating impact upon the Churches of God.
I have spoken to or been in contact with many all over the world and there is great concern at what is happening. Is political correctness the next apostasy to hit the Church I wonder?
I am amazed at the number of elders and leading folk who think that just by keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days and by church attendance they are keeping the faith. They actually say stuff such as 'people
are more committed' nowadays than in the old WCG. Amazing!
The fact is one can be a protestant while holding on to a semblance of the truth by observing the Sabbath etc while watering-down the British-Israel and other truths; accepting political correctness and becoming left-liberal. The Sabbath gives an appearance of holding on; but when you talk to so many, including elders, it is shocking what is going on in their minds.
No wonder some are so against the Council of Elders - they consider the COE to be 'too conservative'; 'fuddy duddies' they call them; 'let the youth take over because they will do a better job' and such like they cry. Some elders proclaim radical ideas - but not to visiting overseas ministers - to their faces they pretend to be onside. Or they spread their rubbish via their wives - talk about cowards!).
So, keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days amount to about 2% of our beliefs, albeit very important beliefs. But what about all the other precious treasures - by what authority are they watered-down?
A tiny few ask the question "How should a former homosexual be treated?" (note: there is no such thing as a 'Christian homosexual').Answer: like we always did in the WCG - with respect like everyone else! Why not?If onewere an ex-homosexual who now hates that sin, members would treat him as all others. But, in this politically correct charged world, it would be best for the ministry to check out such a one first prior to them attending Church.
However, no homosexual has the right to come along appealing to the liberal bleedin heart types and get them onside against the majority of members. It is a well taught tactic by the homosexual lobby groups - get as much sympathy as possible and get the liberal to take a soft line while attacking conservatives.
This clever tactic, taught at their gatherings and universities, is used to soften up individuals and organisations prior to the final assault on them.
They are encouraging this supposedly to fill in the gaps in European demography to afford essential services and to provide a workforce for this purpose.... As it was in the time of Noah - the attractive White Race was sought after to marry into. Perverted and mentally ill White leaders encourage it to bring about the One World One Race - apparently this will also forge One Religion and bring world peace. It also means a faster GDP they say - they claim we have to compete with China - the only case they present daily in the media is to increase non-White immigration and to lower worker's rights and living standards via a libertarian economic system.
Well, many are conservative capitalists and opposed to globalisation - true believers stand by the 2 major planks of conservatism - racial preservation/patriotism and religious conviction (Judeo-Christian heritage). Without these 2 major planks one is not a conservative.
The White Race is being deliberately murdered in the womb to enable race replacement. In Australia 100,000 White kids are aborted each year and replaced by 100,000 non-White immigrants. This is a deliberate attempt, well-planned out by the internationalists, liberals, globalists, One-worlders, Leninists, Fabians, professors, media, religious people etc (the leaders of which are White), to end the White Race and bring about One Race.
America is already 38% non-White; France 25%, Britain 20%; Europe perhaps as much as 10%. Stop abortion tomorrow and the White Race in Europe will explode in growth.
... And so it will.
Not that one needs huge numbers or armies to conquer other nations. Just look at how the Greeks, Romans, Napoleon, Hitler were outnumbered. The won due to clever outmanouverings, plotting etc, etc. So, Europe will invade the King of the South which is 'pushing at' Europe right now.
-----Original Message-----
Thoughts from the Frontline (demographic timebomb)
...Another important shift will be in the 10 major Islamic countries. By 2050 their population will be about the same as the developed countries.
Today, Russian has 145 million people and at its current rate it will be 100 million it 2050. Iran and Iraq currently have 87 million people combined. Today they are roughly 60% of the population of Russia, and in 2025 those two countries will have 10 million more people than Russia.
Iran alone will have a greater population than Russia in 45 years. How do you think a nuclear power and militaristic power like Russia is going to be able to deal with that change? It makes me wonder if the reason Iran wants nuclear power is simply the US?
Yemen will be bigger than Germany in 45 years. Yemen is a small country, where will they go?6 We have already witnessed the largest migration of human population in human history. Over 200 million Chinese have moved from the interior and the west to within 90 miles of the coast in the last 20 years. That is almost too large to grasp. It is as if half the population of the middle part of United States decided to move to the coast in the next 20 years.
What implications does demography have on the aging population of the world? The population over 60 years old will grow dramatically in the developed world from 2005 to 2040. The US will go from 16% today to 26%; Japan grows from 23% to 44%; Italy from 24% to 46%. Those are major problems which will affect worker productivity, health care and strain the economy. The percentage of GDP that countries will have to tax if they keep the promises they made to the retirees will be a problem, as there will be less workers to pay into the pay as you go retirement systems. France will be at 64% and Germany will be at 60% of GDP just for social services, without adding other government costs such as education, military, roads, etc. ...
The members are horrified at the political correctness entering the CoGs without a thing being done about it. Instead of being constantly down on the members about issues which, in reality, are not issues but jealousies (week in and week out, non-stop), there are plenty of real sins to attack: homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia and such like.ANOTHER BRICK IN THE POLITICALLY CORRECT WALL
We don't need no re-education or changed doctrines
We don’t need no liberal thought controlNo nepotism, bias and persecution in the congregation
Liberals and the rich, leave them majority alone
Hey! Bullies and radicals! Leave them members alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the anti-HWA wall
All in all you're just another brick in the anti-Philadelphia Era wall.
We don't need no re-education or changed doctrines
We don’t need no liberal thought control
No destroying moderates in the Church
Extremists leave them members alone
Hey! Leftists! Leave the majority alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.All in all you're just another brick in the Politically Correct wall.
"Wrong, Do it again!""If you don't accept political correctness, you can't have any opportunities to serve. How can you be given opportunities if you don't accept what the minority are forcing on you?""You! Yes, you behind the computer, stand still laddy!" [I'm gonna persecute you and lie about you]
Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 (Waters) 3:56 (this was an anthem of rebellion against Western values. Let’s reverse it)We don't need no education We don’t need no thought controlNo dark sarcasm in the classroomTeachers leave them kids aloneHey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!All in all it's just another brick in the wallAll in all you're just another brick in the wall.We don't need no educationWe don’t need no thought controlNo dark sarcasm in the classroomTeachers leave them kids aloneHey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!All in all it's just another brick in the wallAll in all you're just another brick in the wall.
"Wrong, Do it again!""If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?""You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!"
From various postings on CoG forums advocating the title of 'Christian homosexual', it is alarming to see how far into the psyche political correctness has marched in the Churches of God. This is just one of dozens of postings on various issues by members who want to cosy up as much as they can to political correctness - yet feel safe by keeping the sabbath and holy days - as if that is all to God's Way.This is only going to get worse and worse as these types work their way up in the CoGs (in the main they seldom openly espouse their beliefs or they keep them well hidden - and they deny it when confronted. They prefer to be 'subtle', seeding their ideas all over the place). See what I mean?
What is this doctrinal change that has taken place without any approval - that one can be a 'Christian homosexual'? What a massive compromise with the world and that WILL lead to further softening of standards. It seems to us that:
1. One can be a repentant homosexual who becomes a Christian;
2. one can be a homosexual who wants to be a Christian;
3. one can be a homosexual who does not wish to be a Christian (or is not called);
4. one can be a homosexual who was a Christian.BUT, one cannot be a 'Christian homosexual' that several are espousing.
Who made this doctrinal change - there are just tooooo many of these crackpot and unthinking PC ideas floating around?Similarly, one cannot be a 'Christian Sunday-observer', 'Christian adulterer', 'Christian murderer' etc.One can only be a Christian. But one can be a Christian who was a FORMER homosexual or former this or that who suffers temptations. But one cannot be a 'Christian homosexual' which implies staying homosexual mentally while entering the CoGs.
Man, I have heard so many arguments from people over this. Some clever and others silly. But the bottom line is that people want to feel comfortable with the world; they don't wish to offend the homosexual lobby (but they are quite prepared to offend loyal members); certain ones no doubt want to use this as a stepping stone to the next level - that has always been the case. Step-by-step.
This not so subtle change in language is leading us into the next step on this issue. See my response to this shocking change in my paper on 'Homosexuality and the Problem with Language' located at This paper was written after hearing this poorly thought out and unscriptural tripe being espoused some months ago by CoG members.
All political observers know that the use of language is the biggest tool that the Left have used over the past 50 years - and now it is entering the CoGs.
I downloaded this paper today and it looks good. Thanks to the UCG to the doctrinal committee for it. If it is not attached, you can download it at
We know that some here are advocating that women should be able to give opening and closing prayers and do song leading during Church services.
Would that be prevented under the overall concept of a woman's Biblical role?
I believe that this idea is driven by the following:
1. a desire to get as close to the world's position as possible (some fear that they might be going against legislation or anticipated legislation without any knowledge of this at all);
2. some who would use this as a stepping stone to ordaining women to eldership (some quite senior).
The problem is that so many people are not hearing messages or seeing articles countering this world's views on this and many other social issues. As such, they absorb the world's Leftist positions. Particularly the youth.
I have noticed over the years that parents are not fully aware to the extent that their offspring absorb political correctness from the media, schools and especially universities - the feeling seems to be that so long as they can observe the Sabbath and Holy Days then all is well (in other words many social values are 'up for grabs' - political correctness is not seen in a bad light).