8 Jan 2006

Globalist pressure for Europe to take in 10s millions of Africans

They are encouraging this supposedly to fill in the gaps in European demography to afford essential services and to provide a workforce for this purpose.

... As it was in the time of Noah - the attractive White Race was sought after to marry into. Perverted and mentally ill White leaders encourage it to bring about the One World One Race - apparently this will also forge One Religion and bring world peace. It also means a faster GDP they say - they claim we have to compete with China - the only case they present daily in the media is to increase non-White immigration and to lower worker's rights and living standards via a libertarian economic system.

Well, many are conservative capitalists and opposed to globalisation - true believers stand by the 2 major planks of conservatism - racial preservation/patriotism and religious conviction (Judeo-Christian heritage). Without these 2 major planks one is not a conservative.

The White Race is being deliberately murdered in the womb to enable race replacement. In Australia 100,000 White kids are aborted each year and replaced by 100,000 non-White immigrants. This is a deliberate attempt, well-planned out by the internationalists, liberals, globalists, One-worlders, Leninists, Fabians, professors, media, religious people etc (the leaders of which are White), to end the White Race and bring about One Race.

America is already 38% non-White; France 25%, Britain 20%; Europe perhaps as much as 10%. Stop abortion tomorrow and the White Race in Europe will explode in growth.

... And so it will.

Not that one needs huge numbers or armies to conquer other nations. Just look at how the Greeks, Romans, Napoleon, Hitler were outnumbered. The won due to clever outmanouverings, plotting etc, etc. So, Europe will invade the King of the South which is 'pushing at' Europe right now.

-----Original Message-----

Thoughts from the Frontline (demographic timebomb)

...Another important shift will be in the 10 major Islamic countries. By 2050 their population will be about the same as the developed countries.

Today, Russian has 145 million people and at its current rate it will be 100 million it 2050. Iran and Iraq currently have 87 million people combined. Today they are roughly 60% of the population of Russia, and in 2025 those two countries will have 10 million more people than Russia.

Iran alone will have a greater population than Russia in 45 years. How do you think a nuclear power and militaristic power like Russia is going to be able to deal with that change? It makes me wonder if the reason Iran wants nuclear power is simply the US?

Yemen will be bigger than Germany in 45 years. Yemen is a small country, where will they go?6 We have already witnessed the largest migration of human population in human history. Over 200 million Chinese have moved from the interior and the west to within 90 miles of the coast in the last 20 years. That is almost too large to grasp. It is as if half the population of the middle part of United States decided to move to the coast in the next 20 years.

What implications does demography have on the aging population of the world? The population over 60 years old will grow dramatically in the developed world from 2005 to 2040. The US will go from 16% today to 26%; Japan grows from 23% to 44%; Italy from 24% to 46%. Those are major problems which will affect worker productivity, health care and strain the economy. The percentage of GDP that countries will have to tax if they keep the promises they made to the retirees will be a problem, as there will be less workers to pay into the pay as you go retirement systems. France will be at 64% and Germany will be at 60% of GDP just for social services, without adding other government costs such as education, military, roads, etc. ...
