It is almost unbelievable that 20 years have flown by - one wonders what the state of the Church and the world will be like in 10 years.
Almost none of the offshoots have fully stood by what HWA taught. The watering-down is gaining momentum and political correctness is sweaping across the Church. It has had a devastating impact upon the Churches of God.
I have spoken to or been in contact with many all over the world and there is great concern at what is happening. Is political correctness the next apostasy to hit the Church I wonder?
I am amazed at the number of elders and leading folk who think that just by keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days and by church attendance they are keeping the faith. They actually say stuff such as 'people

The fact is one can be a protestant while holding on to a semblance of the truth by observing the Sabbath etc while watering-down the British-Israel and other truths; accepting political correctness and becoming left-liberal. The Sabbath gives an appearance of holding on; but when you talk to so many, including elders, it is shocking what is going on in their minds.
No wonder some are so against the Council of Elders - they consider the COE to be 'too conservative'; 'fuddy duddies' they call them; 'let the youth take over because they will do a better job' and such like they cry. Some elders proclaim radical ideas - but not to visiting overseas ministers - to their faces they pretend to be onside. Or they spread their rubbish via their wives - talk about cowards!).
So, keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days amount to about 2% of our beliefs, albeit very important beliefs. But what about all the other precious treasures - by what authority are they watered-down?