The following is extracted from my paper on 'The Seven Restorations of the Work of the Church of God' available at It may be of some interest.
"The Philadelphia Era ... quickly wilted under pressure of apostasy. A synagogue of Satan once again grew up within God’s Church and led the people into apostasy. Note what the WCG traditionally taught: “The synagogue of Satan refers to the great apostasy that occurred at the close of the apostolic age, the apostasy which gave rise to the host of denominations we have today—a great mother church and her daughter churches (Rev. 17).” (AD Letter 938, Radio Church of God, 1956) [emphasis mine]
The Abingdon Bible Commentary concurs: “Perhaps the synagogue that claimed to be the synagogue of Jehovah but was really the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 3, v. 9; cf. 2:9) had excommunicated the Philadelphian Christians.” (The Abingdon Bible Commentary,1929, p. 1376)
Herman L Hoeh wrote: “Whenever they were able to influence a majority in a local church…false ministers began to expel the true Christians.” “In the letter of the apostle John to Gaius, we read: ‘I wrote unto the church, but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, AND CASTETH THEM OUT OF THE CHURCH’ (III John 9 and 10).”
“The true Christians, who alone comprised the true Church, were being put out of the visible, organized congregations.” “But that did not mean the scattered individuals were not part of the Church. They were the Church because they were joined to Christ through the Holy Spirit. Those who drove them out became the false church—the church of the god of this world—‘the synagogue of Satan’.” “This synagogue of Satan is the great apostate church which developed after 80 A.D. and ultimately became recognized as the State Religion of the Roman Empire. That Church has had many Protestant daughters which are also Satan’s churches (Rev. 17).” (H. L. Hoeh, A True History of the True Church, pp. 7-8, 17)
“God reserves His strongest condemnation for those who claim to be speaking for Him, but are actually leading people away from the true God.” “‘Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams…and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all…for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the Lord of hosts, our God…’ (Jer. 23).” “Not all false prophets come from outside the Church. Some were formerly faithful servants of God, but swerved from the ‘straight and narrow’ path.” “Faithful pastors protect the flock from those who would spoil them. But some of those called and ordained in God’s true Church would covet Christ’s sheep. So they would turn from the teachings and the teachers they had originally acknowledged.” “Why does God allow wolves to have access to His flock? Why doesn’t He expose them before they do any harm? He has his reasons!” “The first and most basic scripture about false prophets explains why. ‘If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul’ (Deut. 13:1-3).” “God wants his flock to stay with Him and the truth no matter what. The flock of God is certain to encounter many trials and tests—false prophets and treasonous pastors among them. But the true sheep of His pasture, who seek His leadership and His will, won’t be led astray and devoured. Thankfully, it is just not possible. Christ’s sheep will see the fake fleece and run!” (Robert E. Fahey, “Beware of False Prophets,” Good News magazine, May 1979). [emphasis mine]
Herbert W Armstrong wrote similarly: “First, remember this Church was never large, never politically powerful, or a world-known organization of men. It is a spiritual organism, not a political organization. It is composed of all whose hearts and lives have been changed by the Spirit of God, whether visibly together, or individually scattered.” Under the lash of continual persecution and opposition from the organized forces of this world, it is difficult for such a people to remain united and organized together. Even in Paul’s day, many among those attending at Antioch, at Jerusalem, at Ephesus, at Corinth, and other places, began to apostatize and turn away from the truth. Divisions sprang up. Those individuals, unconverted or turned from God’s truth and way of life, were no part of God’s true Church, though visibly assembling with those who were.
The ‘mystery of iniquity’ was already working within these visible churches. This apostasy increased! By the year A.D. 125 the majority in most churches, especially those Gentile-born, were continuing in many of their old pagan beliefs and practices, though professing to be Christian! Gradually, a smaller and smaller portion of the visible churches going by the name ‘Christian’ remained truly yielded to God and His truth, and led of His Spirit. After Constantine took virtual control of the visible, professing Church in the early fourth century, this visible organization became almost wholly pagan, and began excommunicating and persecuting all who held to the true Word of God! Finally, it became necessary for real Christians, who, even as a scattered people, alone composed the true Christian Church, to flee from the jurisdiction of Rome in order truly to worship God! Thus, the visible, organized Church which rose to power was the FALSE Church—the ‘Great Whore’ of Revelation 17.” (The Plain Truth About Easter (1973), pp.11) [emphasis mine]
In one of his works, concerning The Seven Churches (published in the early years of the twentieth century), Glengarry Rupert (who seems to be a precursor of HWA) noted: “Verse 9 shows there is a great apostacy during the history of the Philadelphia church. Yet there are some few in that age that have kept his word ... How truly all this history is fulfilled before the eyes of those who can see, having eyes anointed to discern truth ... Now is the time to not be ashamed of his truth and proclaim it." (pages 19-20) [emphasis mine]
Rupert had predicted the apostasy of the Philadelphia era about 80 or so years prior to it occurring by understanding what the following verses in Revelation indicate: “Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. [why? Because they caused the apostasy] Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” [why? Because they resisted apostasy] (Rev 3:9-10)