This week I got side-tracked from some research into a certain subject. Instead, I ended up assembling data on HWA and Bullinger which I have been meaning to do for so many years now. This is what I wrote on page 1 of the research notes:
"In papers such as Seven Restorations of the Work of the Church of God and Roots of Our Beliefs I explained how HWA was a sifter of fine literature. Under inspiration he poured through excellent literature and after a time of testing he incorporated the appropriate beliefs found in that into Church of God doctrines. Among those mentioned was Ethelbert William Bullinger.
Bullinger did not believe in British-Israel (indeed at least two of his notes in the Companion Bible pooh-poohed the idea). Neither did he observe the Sabbath and Holy Days. However, it is said that he rejected the trinity doctrine later in life – this led to his falling out with traditional Christianity.
Nevertheless God used him to research many truths. And these truths found their way into the Church of God via HWA.
To prove this point, the following are some old WCG quotes from or about Bullinger ..."
For the rest of the evidence read the notes attached. Please download it at
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