11 Jan 2006

How should a former homosexual be treated?

A tiny few ask the question "How should a former homosexual be treated?" (note: there is no such thing as a 'Christian homosexual').

Answer: like we always did in the WCG - with respect like everyone else! Why not?

If onewere an ex-homosexual who now hates that sin, members would treat him as all others. But, in this politically correct charged world, it would be best for the ministry to check out such a one first prior to them attending Church.

However, no homosexual has the right to come along appealing to the liberal bleedin heart types and get them onside against the majority of members. It is a well taught tactic by the homosexual lobby groups - get as much sympathy as possible and get the liberal to take a soft line while attacking conservatives.

This clever tactic, taught at their gatherings and universities, is used to soften up individuals and organisations prior to the final assault on them.