27 Nov 2005

Are Church of God folk more committed to the Truth nowadays?

Some speculate that the Church of God folk today are superior to those that spent years in the old WCG. I contend with this.

My favourite poet, Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), wrote:

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.

To be your own man is hard business.

If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

To become too entangled or submersed into a group may well lead to a lack of clear judgment on issues, doctrines and such like. It thus means impaired vision and not thinking through issues properly. Allowing one to go from one extreme of submersing oneself into the mass group on the one hand and becoming independent on the other (unless unjustly forced into such a position) does not assist in honing the skills of righteous judgment (see John 5:30; 7:24).

Some, through a sort of self deception, or a ‘love blinds’ emotional reaction, will always ‘talk up’ a situation. An example may be stating that Church of God members today are stronger and more stirdy than those within the old WCG. Unbeknown to those that advocate such positions, this is a sleight on those that endured much in those days, including members now deceased. They endured bad bosses (today the workforce is more flexible), oppression, undertook serious Bible study, talked about God's Word and so on.

The facts speak for themselves:

-Many of the hard fought for doctrines have been abandoned (Titus 1:9; 2:1,7)
-The younger generation, in the main, do not believe in so much or understand what they do know
-Pro rata, there is much less fellowship (Matt 24:12)
-Pro rata, there is much more cliquishness
-There is certainly much less Bible talk – instead talk on piffle dominates, even after Church services
-To make matters worse, when many do mention or discuss God’s Word, it is in a flippant manner. Or so shallow that it is beyond belief
-Slander is much more openly used to attack members than ever before (which is a sign of the times - 2Tim 3:1-7). Constant prickliness to try and 'get under their skins' is an old and tired weapon used for years
-The rich are much more influential nowadays and get their way as they forge political alliances and attempt to influence or gain positions. They entertain those in power and abandon or despise the lowly (Ps 49:16-20; Prov 14:20; 10:15; 13:7; 18:11; 28:11; Matt 13:22; Mark 10:23)
-An unrepresentative rowdy minority holding sway over the conservative majority

So how on earth people are stronger, I fail to see. See Hos 12:8.

Jesus Christ and, more recently, Herbert W Armstrong, set the above example of not permitting themselves to be overwhelmed by the group. And in 1833, Justice Joseph Story (1779-1845), US Supreme Court Justice, wrote:

"Republics [the principle applies to organisations as a whole] are created [or sustained] by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens.

They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people [or ministry], in order to betray them."

Similarly Albert Einstein warned:

“Great spirits have always met with violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

And to survive, according to Sun Tzu, famous Chinese general and military strategist of the 6th century BC:

"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious."

Has anything changed?

So, dare we study the Bible, seeking God’s will and His truths? For it is a Biblical principle that we dig deep into issues. As the scriptures say:

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. As the heavens for height and the earth for depth, so the heart of kings is unsearchable.” (Prov 25:2) [are not Christians kings in the making?]

Similarly, in Proverbs chapter we are instructed to search out God’s treasures:

“My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you,
So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding;
Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding,
If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures;

Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;

He guards the paths of justice, And preserves the way of His saints.
Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path.
When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul,
Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you,
To deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things.” (Prov 2:1-12)

Now notice some applicable words by Sun Tzu:

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." [ie there are secrets to success]

"Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge."

"The general [read Church member] who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country [read Church] and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom."

Wise words indeed. Christians are fighting a spiritual battle to inherit the kingdom. They are kings in the making – therefore let all of us take on the characteristic outlined in Prov 25:2. Eschew jealousy and the spirit of competition. Instead, unleash the Godly energies within you – demonstrate the spiritual gifts and natural talents God has given you. In other words allow the zeal within you to pour forth.

Do not allow jealous flesh and blood to suppress God’s will for you.

26 Nov 2005

Will any Caucasians survive by 2125AD?

'As it was in the days of Noah' - the deliberate breeding out of the White line. The university professors, media, globalists, Leninists and a host of others are pushing and pushing and pushing for One World - One Race.

Pro rata, many more Whites are being murdered in the womb than other races. Here in Australia, 100,000 abortions occur every year - and 100,000 migrants enter the country to replace them, mainly Asians. One may term this 'race replacement.'

The global planners since the days of their political ancestors (JFK, Edward Kennedy, Martin Luther King, the 1968 revolutionaries with their war cry of 'melting pot') have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

The USA is already 38% non-White, Europe is 10% (France 25%).

Every night on TV they show different races pairing off, marrying each other or dating each other. On the news, they almost invariably have a Black male newsreader with a white female. Almost every cop show has the Black cop chiefs ordering around stupid White men. Whites are 99% the criminals, sadists and madmen on these shows - non-Whites or multi-racial teams are the good guys killing or arresting White men.

Even James Bond movies (and other movies) show this with a Black killing a bad White. Whites are being programmed to think that they are bad and should not marry each other, but rather to marry other races.

Even National Geographic, Discovery and Animal Planet channels constantly criticise Whites, particularly the British (and British Empire) while simultaneously praising the superiority of African culture and the wisdom on the Orient.

Just 3 or 4 years ago the war-cry in the US universities was 'hey hey, ho ho, Western culture has gotta go'. Today this is being translated into White self-hatred as we are being taught to think of ourselves as stupid, inferior, criminal etc, etc - thanks to the media and the schools. And into Government legislation and policy to fulfill JFK's dream of One Brown Race.

There will come a backlash from a German-led Europe. Mankind tends to descend into one ditch or the other ...


Europe's 'baby bust' signals major change
By David R. Sands
November 24, 2005

In the cradle of Western civilization, the cradles are empty. From the Atlantic to the Urals, in good and bad economies, in Protestant and Catholic societies, the countries of Europe are witnessing an unprecedented decline in birthrates.

This "baby bust," analysts warn, will affect economic growth, social-welfare programs, patterns of immigration and Europe's ability to pull its weight diplomatically, culturally and militarily in the 21st century. In 1900, according to U.N. estimates, one out of four human beings on the planet -- 24.7 percent -- lived in Europe.

Today, the European population share is a little more than 10 percent. By 2025 -- with the average woman in the European Union bearing just 1.48 children in her lifetime -- the ratio of Europeans to everyone else is projected to be less than one in 14 -- 7 percent.

The dearth of babies, coupled with longer life spans for today's elderly, "have major implications for our prosperity, living standards and relations between the generations," according to a "green paper" on demographic change issued by the European Commission earlier this year.

With fewer younger workers in Europe supporting more older pensioners, the immediate worry has been the fate of generous welfare and social protection systems across the continent.

But "the issues are much broader than older workers and pension reform," said Vladimir Spidla, EU social affairs commissioner. "This development will affect almost every aspect of our lives, for example the way businesses operate and work is being organized, our urban planning, the design of [apartments], public transport, voting behavior and the infrastructure of shopping possibilities in our cities.

"All age groups will be affected as people live longer and enjoy better health, the birthrate falls and our work force shrinks. It is time to act now," he said.

Outside threat

One direct fallout from the demographic slump was on vivid display during the riots that rocked the suburbs of Paris and a string of French cities this month.

The rioters were overwhelmingly drawn from the ranks of young, unemployed sons of immigrant families from North and West Africa. As in countries across Europe, the largely Muslim immigrants were drawn to France to take low-end jobs that the native population could not or would not do.


8 Nov 2005

“What doesn’t kill you only serves to strengthen you”

A common proverb goes something like this:
“What doesn’t kill you only serves to strengthen you”

The continuous slander, harassment and lies against the glorious ones (Christians) places God’s holy and righteous children under stress and only serves to make them stronger. They become pillars of stainless steel. We are in good company – for the Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ Himself, the Apostles and Herbert W Armstrong similarly suffered at the hands of the jealous and the liars.

Strategies for Christians - principles from a wise old general

It seems to me that some of the sayings by Sun Tzu, famous Chinese general and military strategist of the 6th century BC, are applicable to us today:

"The more you read and learn, the less your adversary will know."

"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious."

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved."

"Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge."

"The general [read Church member] who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country [read Church] and do good service for his sovereign [read Christ], is the jewel of the kingdom."

6 Nov 2005

Dr Hoeh

“Scripture stands above the Pas­tor General. The Pastor General does not stand above Scripture.” (Dr. Herman L. Hoeh, sermon, 1/92 concerning the then new “Statement of Beliefs” booklet)

Helping the Poor - is that socialism?

I know that some will consider this to be socialism. But God has His form of welfare.

Good News
October 1961
Vol. X, Number 10
Have many of us been neglecting the responsibility of helping the poor -- God's way?

by A.J. Portune

IN these crisis times -- with unemployment at a critical level -- many of God's people are having to endure financial hardship. Many families find themselves without the bare necessities of life. Some are unable to adequately feed and clothe their little children.

Even in times of prosperity and great abundance in the nation, there are still those in God's Church who, because of unusual circumstances and local conditions, are in critical need.

How are these "poor" among us to be provided for? Have they been over-looked in God's plan, or is there a responsibility that perhaps many of us have not understood?

Jesus Christ knew the poor would always be among us -- regardless of the times (Mat. 26:11). Even in ancient Israel that same Christ said: "For the poor shall never cease out of the land" (Deut. 15:11).

Christ did not OVERLOOK the poor and needy. Rather, he gave definite COMMANDS concerning their care. We need to understand this VITAL point -- and to comprehend OUR PART in Christ's planning. From Tithes? Many have inadvertently assumed the poor were to be cared for out of tithes and offerings sent to the work, or from the special THIRD tithe commanded by God. However, when closely examined, there is no mention of the POOR in ANY of the tithe commands. Let's notice them!

God ordained the FIRST tithe originally for the Levitical Priesthood. "And, behold, I have given the children of LEVI all the tenth [tithe] in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation" (Num. 18:21).

The Levites were occupied solely with the service of the tabernacle and therefore had no time to care for cattle, raise crops or indulge in a trade. God gave them the FIRST tenth of all the increase in the land. They were able to treat this tithe as if it were their own corn and wine (verse 27).
These same tithes today are utilized similarly to pay all those serving DIRECTLY in the service of God's people; and also to pay for services rendered to carry this Gospel to the world as a witness and to feed the flock (compare I Cor. 9:13-15 and Heb. 7:12).

No mention of helping the poor is included in this FIRST TITHE. Second Tithe -- Its Use God mentions another tithe -- the SECOND tithe. Notice Deuteronomy 14 beginning in verse 22. This tithe is to be used before the Eternal in the place which HE shall choose (verse 23). This tithe is a specific command for all to come and rejoice before God on His annual Feast days -- especially the Feast of Tabernacles. Included in this tithe -- THE SECOND TITHE -- are also the Levite -- because his life is devoted solely to the service of the people (verse 27).

Again there is no mention of the POOR in this specific SECOND tithe command. The Third Tithe The Eternal further commands a THIRD tithe to be kept and utilized right in the area -- "within thy gates." This tithe is to be saved every THIRD year -- or twice in seven years (Deut. 14:28).
This special third tithe is to be used for designated purposes. Notice, "... and the LEVITE, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the STRANGER, and the FATHERLESS, and the WIDOW, which are WITHIN THY GATES, shall come and shall eat and be satisfied" (Deut. 14:29; also compare Deut. 26:12-13).

Under certain emergency situations, the LEVITE needed additional third tithe help from time to time. Occasionally a STRANGER (sojourner, wayfarer or foreigner) entering the community needed temporary help until he got his feet on the ground. Special THIRD tithe help was REGULARLY given to support FATHERLESS children and widows whose husbands had either died or deserted them. Again, no specific mention of help for the POOR and NEEDY. Direct Command for Poor In all three of God's tithing commands we find no direct mention of helping the poor. Yet God HAS given a direct command concerning helping the poor. Let's notice it!

"If there be among you a poor man of one of thy BRETHREN WITHIN ANY OF THY GATES ... thou shalt NOT harden thine heart nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother" (Deut. 15:7).

Here, in the 15th chapter of Deuteronomy -- after having just reviewed the use of the SECOND and THIRD tithes -- the Eternal now shows how the poor among us are to be helped. He continued, "But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shall surely LEND him sufficient for his need in that which he wanteth (Vs. 8).

Continuing in verse 9, the Eternal shows -- even though the year of release be near, (Vs. 1) our hand should be OPEN to the poor among us.

Because of our willingness to GIVE to the poor among us, God promises us a blessing, "... because that for this thing the Eternal thy God shall BLESS thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand to do" (Vs. 10).

This is not an INVOLUNTARY choice, but it is a COMMAND! "For the poor shall NEVER CEASE out of the land: therefore, I COMMAND THEE, saying, thou shalt open thine hand WIDE unto thy brother, to thy POOR, and to thy NEEDY in thy land" (verse 11). A Loan to God Failing to loan to or help the poor and needy in this way is a failure to TRUST GOD, because God PROMISES: "He that hath pity upon the poor LENDETH UNTO THE LORD: and that which he hath given will HE [God] pay him again" (Prov. 19:17). God shows that when we withhold our hand from helping the poor, we, in actuality, are withholding our hand from Him since He considers every loan to the poor as a direct loan to Him, and God, himself promises to repay us.

A Basic Principle

Now, let's notice a basic principle that many of us have NOT been applying. Since the Eternal knew the poor would always be present, He gave a living principle that would constantly remind the people to CONSIDER the poor. That principal is mentioned in Leviticus 19:9-10. "And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the CORNERS of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather EVERY grape of thy vineyard, thou shalt leave them for the POOR and stranger [wayfarer]: I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD."

Let's CONSIDER this principle a moment! The Eternal is showing -- by command -- that it is actually WRONG for us to use every last cent of our income or increase on ourselves.

How inconsiderate many of us have been!

Every harvest season, when the children of Israel reaped their INCREASE, they remembered they had a responsibility to the poor. They remembered God had said not to take the very last head of grain and ripe grape for themselves -- but to consider the poor and needy in the land -- to leave a little for them.

Many of us -- payday after payday -- reap our increase and have no thought or consideration for the poor. The Eternal, knowing the poor would always be among us and need OUR help, gave this living command. Today we still have the poor, yet God's command is too often neglected. A Missed Blessing God promises direct blessings for obeying this command. "BLESSED is he that considers the poor: the Lord will DELIVER HIM in time of trouble. The Lord will PRESERVE HIM and KEEP HIM ALIVE; and he shall be BLESSED upon the earth: and Thou will not deliver him into the will of his enemies. The Lord will STRENGTHEN HIM upon the bed of languishing: Thou wilt make all his bed in his SICKNESS" (Ps. 41:1-3).

Think of the blessings many of us have been missing because of not applying this command! More Examples Jesus Christ, in the 6th chapter of Matthew, taught His disciples to help the poor. "Take heed that ye do not your ALMS [gifts to poor] before men ... But when thou doest ALMS [give gifts to poor] let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thy ALMS may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret shall REWARD THEE openly" (verses 1, 3 and 4).

This was one of Christ's primary teachings, mentioned in the SAME chapter in which He taught the disciples to PRAY and FAST. Yet, many of us are letting down in this responsibility -- and place no stress upon it.

Because of the diligent prayer and ALMS of Cornelius, a Gentile, God sent an APOSTLE to baptize him and his family. "There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius ... a devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much ALMS to the people and prayed to God alway." An angel of God appeared to him and said, "... Thy prayers and ALMS are come up for a MEMORIAL before God" (Acts 10:1-4).

Yes, God takes NOTE when we obey this law. God is very concerned with our diligence in helping the poor. Our Responsibility Each one of us personally should make it our responsibility to help those among us who -- although diligent -- are poor and in need because of special circumstances. We should be eager to fulfill this command of God.

Perhaps we may not know of any family or individual in need. Then, we should tactfully inquire of the minister or one of the deacons or leaders in the Church who may know of a special case, or anonymously give to a special POOR FUND that your minister may use for this purpose.

There are always poor among us. There will always be this need -- God says so. It is OUR responsibility to do our part.

With your support and obedience every Church area can have a reserve to help the poor. Used clothing and shoes are always in need and also a very welcome gift. If you do not have a local church, send them to headquarters in Pasadena.

Remember, Brethren, although this is our responsibility, it is also a blessing to help the poor. "If ye know these things, HAPPY are ye if ye DO them" (John 13:17).

5 Nov 2005

Just what is 'the Synagogue of Satan'?

The following is extracted from my paper on 'The Seven Restorations of the Work of the Church of God' available at http://www.originofnations.org/HRP_Papers/doc/index.htm It may be of some interest.

"The Philadelphia Era ... quickly wilted under pressure of apostasy. A synagogue of Satan once again grew up within God’s Church and led the people into apostasy. Note what the WCG traditionally taught: “The synagogue of Satan refers to the great apostasy that occurred at the close of the apostolic age, the apostasy which gave rise to the host of denominations we have today—a great mother church and her daughter churches (Rev. 17).” (AD Letter 938, Radio Church of God, 1956) [emphasis mine]

The Abingdon Bible Commentary concurs: “Perhaps the synagogue that claimed to be the synagogue of Jehovah but was really the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 3, v. 9; cf. 2:9) had excommunicated the Philadelphian Christians.” (The Abingdon Bible Commentary,1929, p. 1376)

Herman L Hoeh wrote: “Whenever they were able to influence a majority in a local church…false ministers began to expel the true Christians.” “In the letter of the apostle John to Gaius, we read: ‘I wrote unto the church, but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, AND CASTETH THEM OUT OF THE CHURCH’ (III John 9 and 10).”

“The true Christians, who alone comprised the true Church, were being put out of the visible, organized congregations.” “But that did not mean the scattered individuals were not part of the Church. They were the Church because they were joined to Christ through the Holy Spirit. Those who drove them out became the false church—the church of the god of this world—‘the synagogue of Satan’.” “This synagogue of Satan is the great apostate church which developed after 80 A.D. and ultimately became recognized as the State Religion of the Roman Empire. That Church has had many Protestant daughters which are also Satan’s churches (Rev. 17).” (H. L. Hoeh, A True History of the True Church, pp. 7-8, 17)

“God reserves His strongest condemnation for those who claim to be speaking for Him, but are actually leading people away from the true God.” “‘Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams…and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all…for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the Lord of hosts, our God…’ (Jer. 23).” “Not all false prophets come from outside the Church. Some were formerly faithful servants of God, but swerved from the ‘straight and narrow’ path.” “Faithful pastors protect the flock from those who would spoil them. But some of those called and ordained in God’s true Church would covet Christ’s sheep. So they would turn from the teachings and the teachers they had originally acknowledged.” “Why does God allow wolves to have access to His flock? Why doesn’t He expose them before they do any harm? He has his reasons!” “The first and most basic scripture about false prophets explains why. ‘If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul’ (Deut. 13:1-3).” “God wants his flock to stay with Him and the truth no matter what. The flock of God is certain to encounter many trials and tests—false prophets and treasonous pastors among them. But the true sheep of His pasture, who seek His leadership and His will, won’t be led astray and devoured. Thankfully, it is just not possible. Christ’s sheep will see the fake fleece and run!” (Robert E. Fahey, “Beware of False Prophets,” Good News magazine, May 1979). [emphasis mine]

Herbert W Armstrong wrote similarly: “First, remember this Church was never large, never politically powerful, or a world-known organization of men. It is a spiritual organism, not a political organization. It is composed of all whose hearts and lives have been changed by the Spirit of God, whether visibly together, or individually scattered.” Under the lash of continual persecution and opposition from the organized forces of this world, it is difficult for such a people to remain united and organized together. Even in Paul’s day, many among those attending at Antioch, at Jerusalem, at Ephesus, at Corinth, and other places, began to apostatize and turn away from the truth. Divisions sprang up. Those individuals, unconverted or turned from God’s truth and way of life, were no part of God’s true Church, though visibly assembling with those who were.

The ‘mystery of iniquity’ was already working within these visible churches. This apostasy increased! By the year A.D. 125 the majority in most churches, especially those Gentile-born, were continuing in many of their old pagan beliefs and practices, though professing to be Christian! Gradually, a smaller and smaller portion of the visible churches going by the name ‘Christian’ remained truly yielded to God and His truth, and led of His Spirit. After Constantine took virtual control of the visible, professing Church in the early fourth century, this visible organization became almost wholly pagan, and began excommunicating and persecuting all who held to the true Word of God! Finally, it became necessary for real Christians, who, even as a scattered people, alone composed the true Christian Church, to flee from the jurisdiction of Rome in order truly to worship God! Thus, the visible, organized Church which rose to power was the FALSE Church—the ‘Great Whore’ of Revelation 17.” (The Plain Truth About Easter (1973), pp.11) [emphasis mine]

In one of his works, concerning The Seven Churches (published in the early years of the twentieth century), Glengarry Rupert (who seems to be a precursor of HWA) noted: “Verse 9 shows there is a great apostacy during the history of the Philadelphia church. Yet there are some few in that age that have kept his word ... How truly all this history is fulfilled before the eyes of those who can see, having eyes anointed to discern truth ... Now is the time to not be ashamed of his truth and proclaim it." (pages 19-20) [emphasis mine]

Rupert had predicted the apostasy of the Philadelphia era about 80 or so years prior to it occurring by understanding what the following verses in Revelation indicate: “Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. [why? Because they caused the apostasy] Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” [why? Because they resisted apostasy] (Rev 3:9-10)

Did HWA read the works of EW Bullinger?

This week I got side-tracked from some research into a certain subject. Instead, I ended up assembling data on HWA and Bullinger which I have been meaning to do for so many years now. This is what I wrote on page 1 of the research notes:

"In papers such as Seven Restorations of the Work of the Church of God and Roots of Our Beliefs I explained how HWA was a sifter of fine literature. Under inspiration he poured through excellent literature and after a time of testing he incorporated the appropriate beliefs found in that into Church of God doctrines. Among those mentioned was Ethelbert William Bullinger.

Bullinger did not believe in British-Israel (indeed at least two of his notes in the Companion Bible pooh-poohed the idea). Neither did he observe the Sabbath and Holy Days. However, it is said that he rejected the trinity doctrine later in life – this led to his falling out with traditional Christianity.
Nevertheless God used him to research many truths. And these truths found their way into the Church of God via HWA.

To prove this point, the following are some old WCG quotes from or about Bullinger ..."
For the rest of the evidence read the notes attached. Please download it at

Feedback direct to me is, as always, appreciated.

Truth about the Cross

See the booklet on the cross at http://www.eternalcog.org/ecoglibrary/BookletTruthCross.html Recommended reading.

Modern-day capitalism is not the Biblical economic model

I recently read the plight of a Church of God member. The health crisis and the consequent harasment at work. Her plight forces me to make the following comments.

As the western world gradually adopts Third World practices for the workers (as does China), expect the oppression of the workers to worsen. This is not a socialistic statement - it is a capitalist statement. The workers need protection from centuries of oppression and to be able to enjoy proper participation in the capitalist system.

Now Australia is bringing in industrial relations legislation which will make things even worse for the suffering poor. Their rights and protection are being stripped away. Work hours are getting longer and longer; stress getting worse; health decreasing; people forced to use every available minute to seek other jobs, study further etc, etc; families are being smashed by this. It is just becoming a work, work, work focussed system. It should be more balanced than that. People are just getting worn out and lives will begin to shorten again as every ounce of energy gets sucked out of us. I don't expect the rich to agree with this. Most rich get there by oppressing others, ripping people off, avoiding taxes and such like. Most are work aholics who make money their god - at any price.
I have spoken to so many people whose lives are just taken up by work, work, work; study, study, study etc - just to survive on a low wage with no real prospects now. More and more jobs are temporary and casual - as a result Aussies have to get into deeper debt just to survive or keep a standard of living. We have the worst private debt in the western world per capita.

... And the rich are getting richer. We, in the west, are setting ourselves up for a massive plummet in living standards and quality of life as we adopt the Darwinian 'only the strong survive' type of capitalism. Sure, such a variation of capitalism would mean faster GDP to enable corporations, the rich and governments to grow even fatter. But it also means a worsening of lifestyles; crackpot immigration policies (with subsequent increases in diseases, crime, unhappy natives upset at their own kind being replaced, genetic damage to the races of mankind), environmental damage, cities being planned with smaller and smaller residences, bigger debts and so). This is NOT God's way.
Some are work fanatics or have very strong constitutions. Many like to fight and claw their way to the top. But most don't and hate that sort of capitalist model. We cannot discriminate against the majority for the few that want to work 12 hour days and not be with their families or who should be delegating more or hiring more staff.

There is another way - and it is God's. His system is not fascism, communism, socialism, laissez-faire etc.

From what can be deduced from scripture and the various laws contained in the Torah, it is a form of capitalism, some welfare and Government intervention for the people. That is not socialism, folks. One of these days I shall get around to assembling my notes on God's economic system into a paper. Biblical evidence points toward an economic system that does offer rewards for hard work, inventiveness etc.

But it also offers stability (no wild stock and currency markets with incorrect and fluctuating values), protection for the family, plenty of time to enjoy life etc. In other words the economic rewards are a by-product of righteousness, not an end in itself. Religion and race come first - those are also the most important principles for conservatives.

One of these days I shall write that paper ...

Are there 5 parts to the Philadelphia Era?

Just an idea. Are there 5 parts to the Philadelphia Era? See my comments below:

Rev 3:7-12

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is set-apart, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts; and shuts and no one opens, says these things:
I know your works. Behold, I have given before you an open door, and no one can shut it. For you have a little strength and have kept My Word and have not denied My name. [first phase – undertaking a Work]

Behold, I give out of those of the synagogue of Satan, those saying themselves to be Jews and are not, but lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. [second phase – apostasy]

Because you have kept the Word of My patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation which will come upon all the habitable world, to try those who dwell upon the earth. [third phase – keeping His Word – including a revived Work and then Great Tribulation]

Behold, I come quickly. Hold fast to that which you have, so that no one may take your crown. [fourth phase – Christ’s return]

Him who overcomes I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will go out no more. And I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of Heaven from My God, and My new name.” [finally – granting of rewards in His Kingdom]

Were the First-Century Jews Strict Monotheists?

It was great to read the section on 'Were the First-Century Jews Strict Monotheists?' in UCG's latest paper. Indeed, a minority of Jews did indeed believe in a second Divine Being.

There is a rapidly expanding belief that Christ did not have pre-existence. This is taught by the Christadelphians, Church of God (Abrahamic Faith), Ken Westby. Was taught by John Kiesz, CoG7, now deceased. Some CoG7 affiliates have readopted this belief recently. Messianics are going to war over it. On one end some Messianics are compromising more and more with Protestantism. On the other extreme others are becoming so Judaic as to minimise Christ - the war is over Christ's true identity and I wonder where it will all end?

This variation of Unitarianism is known as Socianism after Laelius Socinus and Faustus Socinus. The latter formed the Unitarian Church in Poland in the 1500s. Although this extreme form of Unitarianism predated them by centuries. Some are even trying to attribute this belief to Dr Arius. Although I have seen quotes by him which are clearly Unitarian. But at other times Binitarian.

My recommended references to people are:
- Margaret Barker - The Great Angel, A Study of Israel's Second God
- Alan Segal - Two Powers in Heaven
- Matthew Alfs - Concepts of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
One work which I have seen mentioned but do not have a copy of is: “The Gospel of the Memra: Jewish Binitarianism and the Prologue to John,” Harvard Theological Review 94:3 (July, 2001), 243-284.

Now, I just hope we don't over-react to Socianism that we put greater emphasis on Christ than the Father. For instance, some have said that the sabbath-observing groups over the ages chiefly proclaimed Christological connections to the holy days is inaccurate. As far as I know:

1. IF one can find them being kept in every century since the first, then good luck to them! I believe that they have been kept, but cannot find them kept in every century YET;

2. What we know of what was taught was more on they are a ceremonial requirement and prophetic connections;

3. IF they taught mainly Christological connections in the past, why should we go back? We must go forward with deeper understanding because during this century we have witnessed an explosion in Biblical knowledge.

The Scriptures indicate that knowledge shall increase in the end time (Dan. 12:4). This is often accomplished by building on the understanding, knowledge and research of predecessors. Not only is raw knowledge increased, but so is qualitative value-adding to doctrine with deeper and more meaningful insights.

4. Finally, it is the few Protestants that take an interest in feast day typology who chiefly see Christ in them. Not us! And it is those within our various fellowships that have watered-down so many of our beliefs that want to preach Christ. He is indeed in the Holy Days, but that is not the Biblical emphasis: He is the agent for the Father to guide His Plan which is outlined in the Holy Days. That is the chief emphasis for those days.

Regards to all,


The Nature of God and Christ
Doctrinal Study Paper
Approved by the Council of Elders
August 2005

Page 59
September 2005
© 2005 United Church of God, an International Association

Appendix E
Were the First-Century Jews Strict Monotheists?

One of the arguments against the deity of Christ is the argument from silence. This argument assumes that the Jews of Christ’s day were strictly monotheistic and if Christ had professed to being God in the flesh this would have been a big issue at that time. But is it true that the Jews of the first century believed in “strict” monotheism?

There is no question but that the Jews were monotheistic, but how were they monotheistic? In the past 30 years much new information has come to light that sheds doubt on the traditional view of Jewish belief about the Godhead. More and more evidence shows that the Jews did struggle with the issue of plurality in the Godhead.

The Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament: Second Commonwealth Judaism in Recent Study by J. Julius Scott, Jr. of the Wheaton College Graduate School shows clearly that it is a mistake to believe that the Jews of the New Testament period were “strict monotheists” and they would never have accepted Jesus as God. Scott shows that the idea of “strict monotheism” did not develop until the Middle Ages and was an attempt to stop the encroachment by Christianity. Here are some quotes from Scott:

The immediate Jewish background of the New Testament was shaped by three cataclysmic events and their results as various groups of Jews reacted to them differently.

First came the destruction of the Jewish state by the Babylonians in 587/6 BCE. The Hebrews lost their land, monarchy, holy city and temple and were scattered throughout the world. Consequently, they faced a theological crisis involving the nature, power, and goodness of God. They were also threatened culturally, racially, and ceremonially as they were thrown into proximity with other peoples and religious groups. In addition, the absence of recognized prophets left the Hebrews without divine guidance at a time when they felt most in need of support and direction.

Debate and disagreement continue about many facts and interpretations of the remains of Second Temple Judaism. Yet, something of a general agreement on a number of significant points has emerged. This includes new understandings, recognitions of previously obscure facts and emphases, and changed opinions. Some of the more important elements in this “new consensus” may be described as follows.

1. Intertestamental Judaism is a descendant of the Old Testament Hebrew faith and culture but is not identical with it… [Also we] must distinguish it from Rabbinic Judaism, which developed after the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple, and the Jewish state. This distinction must be carefully noted in, among other things, attempting to use certain types of source materials, especially the Old Testament and Rabbinic writings, as witnesses to the faith and practices of this period.

2. Although Second Commonwealth Judaism had cardinal tenets, such as monotheism [which was not clearly defined], covenant, Torah, and the implications of these, it was essentially a religion of orthopraxy rather than orthodoxy. Behavior and practice, not precise theological subscription, demonstrated faithfulness to the national or sectarian commitment.

3. The society, culture, faith and practice of Intertestamental Judaism were far from a monolithic whole. As we have already mentioned diversity was a major characteristic of the society and period; accordingly it is folly to seek a mainline or correct position or to assume that one particular group or trajectory can be identified as the “normative Judaism” of the period. The diverse elements which made up the fabric of Intertestamental Jewish society must be taken into account, both individually and together, in attempting to understand the period.

4. Our “new consensus” sees Second Temple Judaism, not as a “holding pattern” between the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, but as a dynamic civilization which faced and was given form by its response(s) to genuine tensions arising from political, cultural, sociological, existential, and religious situations and issues. This challenge took place within the context of commitment, on the one hand, to the abiding relevance of Jewish socio-nationalistic-religious heritage, as it was then understood, and, on the other hand, to the need to face realistically the changing circumstances of life in the world in which they lived.

Samson H. Levey, in The Messiah: An Aramaic Interpretation: The Messianic Exegesis of the Targum published by Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati in 1974, further confirms this diversity in Jewish thought in the time of the first century when it came to the Messiah. There is evidence that would include the Messiah being “divine” or God.

The diversity of this period is probably no where more evident than in eschatological expectations. Would the Consummation be simultaneous with or subsequent to the arrival of the Final Age? Would there be a divine agent (a Messiah), or would God personally intervene? If the former, would the Messiah be human, spiritual-angelic, or divine? Is the “Messiah” a personal, corporate, or idealized figure? Would there be a single Messianic figure or several? Would the role or task of the Messiah or Messiahs be primarily political, military, social, or religious? Would he be concerned solely for the affairs of the Hebrews or would he also benefit Gentiles and the natural order? What would be the status of Temple and Torah during the Final Age, of various Jewish groups, of the Gentiles? Although the majority of common people in The Land of Israel (the “Am Ha-Eretz” or “Average Jews”) seem to have held to some loosely defined hope of an essentially military-political-nationalistic Messiah(s) who would both deliver from enemies and enable God’s people to “serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness,” it is impossible to speak categorically about “the single pre-Christian Jewish belief” of almost anything [emphasis added].

Survey of the New Testament—Intertestamental Judaisms by Thomas L. Long has this to say about Judaism of the first century and just prior:

The period between the second century BCE and the second century CE is known to biblical historians as the “Intertestamental Period,” that is it marked the closure of the canon of the Hebrew scriptures and the formation of the canon of the Christian scriptures.

This period is important to Jews because it includes the devastating Jewish revolt against the Roman empire, which resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple and the end of sacrificial worship, and it is important to Christians because it represents the matrix in which Jesus of Nazareth and his earliest disciples were formed. Because it was a period of tremendous theological diversity within Jewish practice, recent scholars of religion have tended to characterize it in the plural—Judaisms—rather than representing it as a single monolithic religious orthodoxy. What we know about this period comes from several sources: the Christian scriptures (not a particularly reliable historical document because they were often hostile to Jewish authorities), the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus and the philosopher Philo of Alexandria, the Dead Sea Scrolls, archeological remains, and inscriptions.

In “Monotheism—A Misused Word in Jewish Studies?” Peter Hayman states:

In the academic world of twenty or thirty years ago it was conventional to hold that the story of Judaism was one of a gradual, but inexorable, evolution from a Canaanite/Israelite pagan and mythological environment into the pure light of an unsullied monotheism. It is hardly ever appropriate to use the term monotheism to describe the Jewish idea of God, that no progress beyond the simple formulas of the Book of Deuteronomy can be discerned in Judaism before the philosophers of the Middle Ages, and that Judaism never escapes from the legacy of the battles for supremacy between Yahweh, Ba’al and El from which it emerged.

It is also quite revealing to read the writings of the early writers as to how they viewed Christ. Ignatius (A.D. 110 to 117) wrote in his epistle to the Ephesians: “By the will of the Father and of Jesus Christ, our God… God Himself being manifested in human form.” In his epistle to the Trallians he writes: “Jesus our God.” In his epistle to the Romans: “Jesus Christ our God.” In Magnesians 6, Ignatius writes: “Jesus was with the Father before the beginning of time…”

Polycarp was another early writer. In his epistle to the Philippians he wrote about Jesus Christ as “God and our Lord.” This is further proof that the Jews and the Christians of the first century did have a grasp of the concept of plurality in the Godhead. While they were monotheistic, one needs to explain exactly what is meant by the term. There was clearly room in their theology for Christ to be God.

[64] J. Julius Scott, Jr., The Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament: Second Commonwealth Judaism in Recent Study.
[65] Samson H. Levey, The Messiah: An Aramaic Interpretation: The Messianic Exegesis of the Targum, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1974.
[66] Thomas L. Long, Survey of the New Testament—Intertestamental Judaisms.
[67] Peter Hayman, “Monotheism—A Misused Word in Jewish Studies?” Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. 42, 1991.

Giant German companies ready to go on the offensive against British companies?

Newsletter 2005/09/29 - Big challenges
BERLIN/PARIS (Own report) - The top companies of the German economy have built up a liquidity reserve of more than 100 billion euros and now prepare new takeover offensives in competing nation states after strengthening their own basis of capital resources. This is the result of a study of German company analysts recently published. The profits have mainly been made in the export business and verify the lasting German dominance in the European Union that goes at the expense of other national economies. An additional study forecasts that the German industrial locations will win considerable competitiveness in the next five years while at the same time the European neighbours - especially Great Britain and Italy - will have to suffer heavy losses.
The German self-assessments terminate years of lamentation according to which the national basic conditions hinder the upswing of the production and reduce viable profit margins. Such announcements have been taken at face value not only in Paris, but also in London, and provide tactic signals, given the numbers now available.

Thatcher plotted to block German unity

The Times Online
November 03, 2005Thatcher plotted to block German unity, says KohlFrom Roger Boyes in Berlin
MARGARET THATCHER has been depicted by her erstwhile arch-rival Helmut Kohl as a foot-stamping harridan who plotted behind his back to stop German reunification.
In a new volume of memoirs Herr Kohl, the Christian Democrat Chancellor when Baroness Thatcher was at No 10, says that she was convinced that Germany should stay divided and above all that its East stay out of Nato. “I told her that not even Margaret Thatcher could stop the people from deciding its own fate,” Herr Kohl writes. “She was beside herself with rage and said, ‘That’s how you see it! That’s how you see it!’ ” The conversation took place in Paris soon after the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall. Mrs Thatcher stamped her feet in rage, Herr Kohl says in Recollections.
He deplores what he calls her “double game”, saying she plotted against him and against Germany. His memoirs are based on contemporaneous notes, his memories and recently opened archives. “What I could only guess at has been proven by the opening of all the protocols. Margaret Thatcher wanted to prevent the reunification of Germany by all possible means.”
Casting doubt on her claim to be a world-class statesman, he says: “The Prime Minister’s biggest problem was her complete miscalculation of the attitudes towards German reunification held by Gorbachev, Mitterrand and President Bush. Mrs Thatcher only wanted to hear what she wanted to hear in the talks.”
It is payback time for Herr Kohl, who has never made a secret of his personal animosity towards Baroness Thatcher. His first volume of memoirs called her a “difficult” woman. She now counts as “very, very disagreeable”.
He still resents the way she, in his view, conspired against him. In interviews she gave during negotiations on German unity, he writes, “Margaret Thatcher dropped her mask completely. The things she had attacked me for behind the scenes were now out in public and she reinforced those attacks through her asperity — her tone, her denigration of ideas and her caustic asides.”