I have seen books by Protestants which advocate adhereing to the clean/unclean health law. In fact, there is a growing interest in both this doctrine and the holy days by them. In this contex, check out this article by a Protestant who has seen the light!
By Greg Ciola
October 20, 2007
This topic is one that some will disagree with, others may not want to hear, or in some cases with Christians, they will take offense with because they believe Jesus doesn’t care what we eat. I’m not trying to be legalistic when it comes to why we should avoid pork and shellfish. I’m trying to be realistic and share some health insights into why these foods could be dangerous to your health. If you want to live a long, disease-free life while you’re occupying your body, then this issue is one you need to pay close attention to.
The cold hard truth is consuming pork and shellfish regularly can guarantee you an early trip to the grave. Pork and shellfish rank near the top of the list as some of the worst foods you can put into your body right along with trans fats, refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners. Consumption of these foods was forbidden to the ancient Israelites in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy because they were considered unclean. To this day Orthodox Jews and Muslims avoid pork and shellfish.
There’s a very simple reason why God wanted the Israelites to avoid these foods and it wasn’t because He wanted to make arbitrary rules just to test their obedience. Here’s what the passage from Leviticus says:
“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you. These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.” (Leviticus 11:7-12)
From pigs we get pork, pork chops, ribs, ham, bacon, pepperoni, sausage, Chitterlings (chitlins), and other by-products. Let’s examine a few of the reasons why God considered a pig an unclean animal and why He said they shouldn’t be eaten.
Pigs are scavengers. They are notorious for eating anything, including their own waste and garbage. A pig will eat sick and infected animals, including its own piglets that die from disease. Pigs also have one the quickest, yet poorest digestive systems of any animal. On average a pig can completely digest its food in four hours. Since it processes everything so fast, many times the toxins aren’t removed and they are stored in the pig’s fat. Many pigs are traumatized physically before being slaughtered. Under these conditions, which are generally the case in large factory operations, pigs will release toxins and hormones into their muscles that affect the quality of their meat.
Pigs are also notorious for being infected with parasites and tapeworms because they roll around in poop most of their lives. Anyone that knows anything about cooking pork knows that it is important to cook it long enough and warm enough to make sure all the parasites and tapeworms have been killed off. If not, you could become infected.
Somehow eating pork containing cooked, dead parasites doesn’t sound much better either. All parasites lay eggs to create more parasites. Just because a parasite dies during cooking doesn’t mean that you can’t become contaminated by the eggs. Some health experts believe that over 90 percent of our population today has parasites in their body that reside primarily in the intestinal system. Certainly our society’s desire for pork products has played a major factor in this. People that consume pork products all the time tend to be overweight and unhealthy. Body odor is usually a problem too.
A doctor that I know personally says that pig fat is the best medium there is for cancer growth. He runs a high-tech laboratory where all sorts of microbiological research and tests are conducted. Their lab puts a lot of emphasis on diagnosing and treating cancer naturally. They actually have the ability to isolate cancer viruses from a patient’s blood and view them under a microscope to determine the strain and then develop herbs to help rid the body of that specific virus. They also have the ability to replicate the cancer virus in a Petri dish. What he told me is that the best medium he works with for growing cancer viruses is pig fat.
If they can do that in a lab, what’s all the pig fat doing to your body internally if you’re eating high amounts of pork products regularly? It would be interesting to see a study where that question was asked of cancer patients. My guess is we would find that many cancer patients and people with poor health are pork eaters.
Did you know that all of the clean animals God said we could eat live only on vegetation? They also digest their food much slower and more effectively so they aren’t storing all these toxins and wastes in their body. Would you rather eat an animal that eats filth and waste and is potentially contaminated with parasites or would you rather eat an animal that processes its food properly and eliminates the toxins from its body?
Don’t Gamble Your Health On Shellfish Either
Now let’s examine why you should avoid shellfish. Shellfish consists of lobster, shrimp, oysters, clams, crabs, scallops, and mussels. All shellfish can be a serious health risk. Like pigs, they are scavengers that live at the bottom of the ocean and eat the waste of other animals and the pollutants that man dumps into the ocean. Although only 0.1 % of all shellfish consumed is eaten raw, that tiny percentage is responsible for a large proportion of reported food-caused illnesses. Poisoning from shellfish can come from bacterial or viral contamination. Generally adequate cooking eliminates this danger, but is it worth the risks in the long run. Poisoning can also arise from heat-stable toxins derived from the food that the shellfish have been eating. Shellfish are notorious for being high in mercury, heavy metals, and industrial contaminants in the environment because they’re bottom feeders that eat the ocean’s waste. I’m sure I don’t have to explain in detail how damaging these heavy metals and toxins can be to your health.
God didn’t give the Israelites dietary laws because he was a mean, restrictive God that didn’t want them to enjoy their food. He gave them these laws because He knew best how the human body functions and that by following His dietary laws they would live their best without succumbing to disease and pre-mature death so they can serve Him. God knows far more than we can understand or comprehend. While things definitely changed after Jesus came to the earth, we should examine the Old Testament scriptures further to try and understand why God wanted things done a certain way, especially with the foods we eat.
Greg Ciola is the editor and publisher of Crusador, a hard-hitting alternative health publication that sheds light on many critical health issues. Ciola believes that there is a conscious effort going on to sabotage our health. His mission is to actively educate others by explaining the reasons why many health problems are occurring, and what can be done so you, your family, and your loved ones can stay well.
website: Healthtruthrevealed.com