This remarkable poem was sent to me. It is amazing how the Left always preach tolerance. Yet they are less tolerant than conservatives - both within and outside the Church:
A Hymn To Tolerance (Apologies to 1 Corinthians 13)
1. Though I speak with the tongue of actors and lawyers, but have not tolerance, I am become as nothing.
2. And though I am able to discern the trends of public opinion, and understand all political theory, and am able to move civil servants to do my bidding, but have not tolerance, I am nothing.
3. And though I pay all my taxes, and practise safe sex, but have not tolerance, it profits me nothing.
4. Tolerance is detached and remote. It does not engage anything, but thinks itself humble.
5. It is not dogmatic, it believes in nothing, embraces all things, and rejects all absolutes.
6. Tolerance does not delight in truth, but rejoices that there is no truth.
7. Tolerance always bends, always manoeuvres, always manipulates, is always pliable.
8. Tolerance never fails. Where there is truth, it will be suppressed; where there is purity, it will be sullied; where there are convictions, these will be maligned.
9-10. For now we know in part, and are certain there can be no certain absolutes.
11. When I was a child, I believed in truth, purity and love, but now I have put away childish things.
12. Now we see as in a mirror dimly, but we are on the way to seeing all. All shall be as one, even now as we seek to be one with all.
13. And now these three remain: anti-discrimination, rights, and tolerance. But the greatest of these is tolerance.