I recently read the plight of a Church of God member. The health crisis and the consequent harasment at work. Her plight forces me to make the following comments.
As the western world gradually adopts Third World practices for the workers (as does China), expect the oppression of the workers to worsen. This is not a socialistic statement - it is a capitalist statement. The workers need protection from centuries of oppression and to be able to enjoy proper participation in the capitalist system.
Now Australia is bringing in industrial relations legislation which will make things even worse for the suffering poor. Their rights and protection are being stripped away. Work hours are getting longer and longer; stress getting worse; health decreasing; people forced to use every available minute to seek other jobs, study further etc, etc; families are being smashed by this. It is just becoming a work, work, work focussed system. It should be more balanced than that. People are just getting worn out and lives will begin to shorten again as every ounce of energy gets sucked out of us. I don't expect the rich to agree with this. Most rich get there by oppressing others, ripping people off, avoiding taxes and such like. Most are work aholics who make money their god - at any price.
I have spoken to so many people whose lives are just taken up by work, work, work; study, study, study etc - just to survive on a low wage with no real prospects now. More and more jobs are temporary and casual - as a result Aussies have to get into deeper debt just to survive or keep a standard of living. We have the worst private debt in the western world per capita.
... And the rich are getting richer. We, in the west, are setting ourselves up for a massive plummet in living standards and quality of life as we adopt the Darwinian 'only the strong survive' type of capitalism. Sure, such a variation of capitalism would mean faster GDP to enable corporations, the rich and governments to grow even fatter. But it also means a worsening of lifestyles; crackpot immigration policies (with subsequent increases in diseases, crime, unhappy natives upset at their own kind being replaced, genetic damage to the races of mankind), environmental damage, cities being planned with smaller and smaller residences, bigger debts and so). This is NOT God's way.
Some are work fanatics or have very strong constitutions. Many like to fight and claw their way to the top. But most don't and hate that sort of capitalist model. We cannot discriminate against the majority for the few that want to work 12 hour days and not be with their families or who should be delegating more or hiring more staff.
There is another way - and it is God's. His system is not fascism, communism, socialism, laissez-faire etc.
From what can be deduced from scripture and the various laws contained in the Torah, it is a form of capitalism, some welfare and Government intervention for the people. That is not socialism, folks. One of these days I shall get around to assembling my notes on God's economic system into a paper. Biblical evidence points toward an economic system that does offer rewards for hard work, inventiveness etc.
But it also offers stability (no wild stock and currency markets with incorrect and fluctuating values), protection for the family, plenty of time to enjoy life etc. In other words the economic rewards are a by-product of righteousness, not an end in itself. Religion and race come first - those are also the most important principles for conservatives.
One of these days I shall write that paper ...