5 Nov 2005

Giant German companies ready to go on the offensive against British companies?

Newsletter 2005/09/29 - Big challenges
BERLIN/PARIS (Own report) - The top companies of the German economy have built up a liquidity reserve of more than 100 billion euros and now prepare new takeover offensives in competing nation states after strengthening their own basis of capital resources. This is the result of a study of German company analysts recently published. The profits have mainly been made in the export business and verify the lasting German dominance in the European Union that goes at the expense of other national economies. An additional study forecasts that the German industrial locations will win considerable competitiveness in the next five years while at the same time the European neighbours - especially Great Britain and Italy - will have to suffer heavy losses.
The German self-assessments terminate years of lamentation according to which the national basic conditions hinder the upswing of the production and reduce viable profit margins. Such announcements have been taken at face value not only in Paris, but also in London, and provide tactic signals, given the numbers now available.