11 Mar 2006

Rape Epidemic Sweeping Over Europe

White women are being raped all over the world. And the White slave trade is being ignored by both Governments and media.

Why? Recall that in many Western countries racial profiling is outlawed. So, if 90% of a certain crime is undertaken by a certain ethnic group, this is not allowed to be published by racial category - it can only be mentioned in a non-racial manner. This allows the liberals and media to hide the facts while they continue with their goals to finish off Caucasians.

These same people constantly set Europe against America to divide Whites amongst themselves while offering the populace other allies that are not European.

But the same media turns around and portrays White men, anti-homosexuals and Christians as committing most crimes in police TV shows.

There must be a reason for this anti-Caucasian racism.

Further, in movie after movie, White women are regarded as the prize for the beaten down non-White. See such movies as 'Perfect Storm', 'The Last Dance' and the latest propagand 'Goal!'. The movie review is as follows: "Like millions of kids around the world, Santiago harbours the dream of being a professional footballer. However, living in the Barrios section of Los Angeles, he thinks it is only that - a dream. Until, one day an extraordinary turn of events has him trying out for Premiership club, Newcastle United." He then finds a White girlfriend etc, etc.

Whites are being killed off by the million in the womb and encouraged to intermarry - while a coalition of Fabians, globalists, liberals, one-worlders, misceganists, satanists, perverts, Leninists, the media and university professors and such like rub their hands in glee - their aims at one world race is rushing to fruition.

But what about the coming backlash in Europe? Currently Europe is reported in the media as 'frozen with fear' of its 'dying race' status and unable to do anything. When Islamics etc riot and burn Europe, the media gangs up and pushes for more welfare and 'positive discrimination' to result (ie jobs given to them as a priority). Europe is 'frozen' because of the psychological war on them via the universities, legislation and the media. It is now deep within the European psyche - but the hatred for this is just below the surface and will burst to the fore in due time, giving rise to a fascist European Union.

I am afraid that is the leadership of the Anglo-Saxon nations that are pushing for globalism that even Lenin would be proud of - they are to blame for this madness and are bringing upon us world fury.

The 'dying Europeans' is a subject being pushed in the media in Australia - but Whites are dying out in America quicker than Europe!

Today only about 9 or 10% of the world is White and 2% Israelitish. Satan knows what he is doing ...

------Original Message-----
A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe -- and over many other nations host to immigrants from the Islamic world. The direct connection between the rapes and Islam is irrefutable, as Muslims are significantly overrepresented among convicted rapists and rape suspects. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that there crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled. ...